Monday, January 3, 2011

Hearing Loss Forum

To kick off the new year we've created a small online community to help support those who directly and indirectly suffer from hearing loss. Covering such topics as:
  • Hearing Loss 101
    • Think you may have a hearing loss? Were you recently diagnosed with a loss? Wondering what to do next?
  • Financial Assistance
    • Share information about insurance coverage, tax credits, and national benefit organizations that help people access hearing loss treatment devices.
    • Hearing Loss Treatment-Hearing Aids
      • Discuss alternative options available to treat hearing loss including cochlear implants, medical treatment, assistive devices, and aural rehabilitation/counseling.
    • Family and Relationships
      • Does someone in your family have a hearing loss, but they won’t admit it? Discuss strategies for communicating with loved ones who have a hearing loss, including learning how to deal with resistance and denial.
    • Technology
      • Advancements in hearing loss technology and accessibility occur every day-discuss them here.
    Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to share and help others who suffer from hearing loss and spread knowledge and experiences with others. Together we can make a difference.

    You can visit the forum at: .

    Note: All posts on the forum are mediated.


        1. I really appreciate your post and you explain each and every point very well.Thanks for sharing this information.And I’ll love to read your next post too.

        2. Very informative post! I am glad to know that you are working for hard of hearing people. As hard of hearing people have to face several difficulties in their society that is why an awareness program should be stared to boost up the confidence of these people.
          Digital Hearing Aids by Hidden Hearing
